Public Policy Process 

Public policy process is a core competency that involves understanding how policies are formulated, implemented, and evaluated. It includes the ability to identify and analyze public policy issues, develop and evaluate policy options, and work collaboratively with stakeholders to implement policies.

To be effective in the public policy process, individuals must possess a range of competencies, including research and analysis, critical thinking, communication, and stakeholder engagement. They must also have a strong understanding of the political and legal environment in which policies are developed and implemented

The following demonstrates my understanding of same.

Policy Memo 2 (3).pdf
Pub Pol Process - Research Project.pdf

Public Policy Memo

Public Policy Process 

This memo proposes the Independent Student Project Program (ISPP), which aims to provide financial assistance and community service opportunities to underprivileged students who cannot afford college. Eligibility for the program will be based on both financial need and academic merit. The program will also require 100 hours of community service for a non-profit organization, which can count towards college credits. After completing the program, students can seek employment at the non-profit organization where they volunteered. I believe that ISPP would be successful if it received government contracts. Similar to Safe Horizon, a non-profit organization that helps victims of crime and abuse. Additionally, collecting evidence from low to mid-income communities through surveys to assess the program's potential impact. However, I also highlights potential pitfalls, such as lack of citizen engagement and transparency. 

The policy problem researched is the mass incarceration of African Americans in America, which is caused by the local and state governments' lack of investment in minority communities. The database was used to search for the most recent bills and corresponding resolutions related to mass incarceration, implicit racial bias in policing, and human services. The bills found include S.2477, H.R. 4118, and H.RES.226, and their introducers and current status were described. The committees involved in informing the passage of each bill were also listed. The stages and processes of public policy making include problem identification, agenda setting, policy formulation, policy adoption, policy implementation, and policy evaluation.